I vores artikelarkiv kan du udforske nøgleaspekter inden for digitalisering. Opdag hvordan den seneste udvikling inden for automatisering og digitale videnskabelige løsninger hjælper laboratorier med at opnå hidtil usete niveauer af effektivitet og overensstemmelse med gældende standarder.
Find mere om:
- Overholdelse af dataintegritet i en reguleret verden
- Integration af Sartorius Cubis® II laboratorievægte i GMP-regulerede miljøer
- Digital transformation og automatisering af arbejdsprocesser
- Reduktion af manuel indtastning og fejl i laboratorieinformationssystemer (LIMS)
- Sammenfletning af digitale teknologier med laboratoriepraksis
- Ekspertindsigter og vejledninger om overholdelse og digitalisering
How Audit-Proof Digital Solutions Offer an Easier Route to Lab Digitalization
Ongoing advances in automated technologies and digital science solutions are helping labs achieve unprecedented levels of throughput, efficiency, and reproducibility. As organizations evolve and adjust to keep up with these advancements, making sure data and processes are compliant is essential, particularly in today’s highly regulated life science, biopharma, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Violation of data integrity standards can not only impact decision-making but also have serious consequences for human health and safety.
Integration of Sartorius Cubis® II Premium Balances into STARLIMS™ from Abbott Informatics
Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) is becoming increasingly important in GMP regulated environments in order to ensure data integrity and faster working practices. When introducing a LIMS, direct instrument integration is an essential task to reduce the need for manual recording, which negates the potential for errors, gives back operator time, and reduces data redundancy.
Vi er dedikerede til at fremme viden og innovation inden for laboratoriebranchen. Har du har spørgsmål, idéer, eller bare ønsker at have en dialog om de utallige muligheder inden for laboratoriebranchen, så er vi interesseret i at høre fra dig. Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig og dele vores passion for laboratoriearbejde!

Sabine Kähler
+45 3116 9067