I vores artikelarkiv kan du udforske nøgleaspekter inden for proteinoprensning og automatisering af proteinanalyser samt metoder til at sikre præcise og pålidelige resultater i laboratoriearbejde inden for proteinområdet. Vi fokuserer på de seneste fremskridt inden for automatisering af proteinoprensning og teknikker, der bidrager til at øge effektiviteten og nøjagtigheden af disse afgørende analyser.
Find mere om:
- High-throughput proteinoprensning med PhyTip® kolonner
- Automatiseret proteinanalyse med Simple-Western™ Jess
- Optimering af centrifugal koncentratorprotokoller
- Fuld proteinoprensning og koncentration med Vivaflow® cassetter og Vivapure® Ion Exchange spin kolonner
- Sikring af korrekte og nøjagtige resultater i proteinanalyse og koncentration
- Effektiv metoder til proteinoprensning fra forskellige kilder
Automated PhyTip® Protein Purification on the CyBio FeliX
The CyBio FeliX and PhyTips® can perform 96 targeted protein purifications in 120 minutes, with no hands on time needed
Automated solution for Simple Western™ Jess — a high-throughput western blotting technique
The CyBio FeliX was used to perform all liquid handling aspects of the sample protein assay and the Simple Western™ plate preparation.
How to Measure pH In Protein-Containing Samples
Measuring pH in protein-containing samples can be challenging as protein can foul both the pH sensing glass and classical ceramic junctions. In order to obtain accurate pH readings, both of those components must be maintained in optimal condition.
Effectively Use Picus® Pipettes with Vivaspin® Concentrators
Guidance on the efficient use of Picus® pipettes and extended length pipette tips with centrifugal concentrators.
Protein quantitation assay according to Bradford with BRAND Liquid Handling Station and Roti®-Quant
Technical Note compares the manual and automated Bradford assay in terms of precision and reproducibility.
Vivaflow® and Vivaspin® Workflow in Protein Research Laboratories
In this Application Note, we demonstrate how the Vivaflow® cassettes, Vivapure® Ion Exchange spin columns and Vivaspin® devices can be used to perform a complete protein purification workflow, from concentration and diafiltration of the original protein source, a cell culture supernatant, to final concentration | desalting of the purified protein. The protocol shows in detail the recoveries after each step along with the time needed for every purification and concentration step.
Concentration of Low Molecular Weight Peptides with Vivaspin® 500 Ultrafiltration Devices
It is often useful and desirable to reduce the volume of a protein sample in order to carry out further analysis. There are many applications which require the protein or peptide to be contained in a small volume. For example, protein purification experiments require the eluate from a particular method to be concentrated so that the sample can be tested for activity in some form of tissue culture assay.
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Sabine Kähler
+45 3116 9067