I vores artikelarkiv kan du udforske nøgleaspekter inden for mikrobiologi og kvalitetskontrol af sterile farmaceutiske produkter samt laboratoriepraksis inden for dette område. Vi dykker ned i de seneste fremskridt inden for mikrobiologisk miljøovervågning og præsenterer løsninger, der er afgørende for produktets sikkerhed og kvalitet i overensstemmelse med streng regulering.
Find mere om:
- Miljøovervågning i sterile produktionsmiljøer
- Kontinuerlig luftkvalitetsmonitorering
- Effektiv brug af gelatinmembranfiltre i luftprøvetagning
- Valg af pipette tips og overensstemmelse med ISO 8655:2002
- Evaluering af Sterisart® septum for steril prøvetagning
- Integration af hurtige detektionsmetoder i sterilitetsprøvning
Continuous Microbial Air Monitoring in Clean Room Environments
Environmental monitoring is an important part of quality assurance for the production environments of sterile pharmaceutical products. Especially for aseptic filling lines where products are filled without a terminal sterilization step it is of utmost importance for product safety and thus an essential part of the quality control strategy. Such ISO 5 graded manufacturing environments are required to have < 1 colony-forming unit (CFU) per m³ of air.
How to Choose a Microbiology Laboratory Pipette
Requirements for liquid handling in a microbiology lab might be different from other analytical laboratories. Here are some points to consider before committing to purchasing a pipette.
The Sterisart® Septum Enables Reliable Sampling from a Closed System Sterility Testing Unit
In this study, we evaluated the Sterisart® closed system sterility testing device, with a septum, for the recurrent sterile extraction of samples. The results demonstrate that even after more than 100 repeated septum sampling events, which far exceeds any foreseeable sampling requirements, the septum remains intact and the growth media contained
in these canisters remains sterile.
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Sabine Kähler
+45 3116 9067