
I vores artikelarkiv kan du udforske nøgleaspekter inden for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) og automatisering af PCR-opstillinger samt metoder til at sikre præcise og pålidelige resultater i molekylærbiologi og diagnostiske laboratoriearbejder. Vi fokuserer på de seneste fremskridt inden for automatisering af PCR-setups og teknikker, der bidrager til at øge effektiviteten og nøjagtigheden af disse afgørende analyser.

Find mere om:

  • Automatisering af qPCR-setups med CyBio FeliX
  • Effektiv brug af elektroniske pipetter til PCR Master Mix
  • Integration af pH-sensorer til prøver med små volumener
  • Fuldt automatiske diagnostiske robotbehandlingssystemer
  • Optimering af PCR-opstillinger og reagenshåndtering
  • Sikring af pålidelige resultater i PCR-baserede analyser

Automated Solution for Real-time Based Applications with High Reproducibility and Accuracy

CyBio FeliX as a precise pipetting system, provides superior assay reproducibility and improves the accuracy which is essential for downstream applications based on quantitative PCR (qPCR).

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Passive cooling of liquids in PCR and micro tubes in the BRAND Liquid Handling Station

In this Technical Note, the cooling performance of the cooling blocks is shown using the 1.5 ml micro tube and 96-well PCR variants as examples. It is also shown how long liquids stored in BRAND Cooling Blocks can be pipetted in the Liquid Handling Station in a cooled state.

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Benefits of Electronic Pipette Use for Pipetting PCR Master Mix

Sensitivity of Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) based assays is one of the most important reasons for their success and abundant use in scientific laboratories.
However, many factors including pipetting technique can influence qPCR assay results.

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Benefits of an Ergonomic and Electronic Pipette for RT-PCR

Ergonomic pipettes have been proven to reduce pipetting error in long pipetting series. The ergonomic benefits go even further with an electronic pipette that has fully electronic operations and eliminates most of the physical work required for pipetting. This application note is a follow-up to our previous finding (Teye, 2018) and provides new data to show that pipetting with a fully electronic and ergonomic pipette produces highly reproducible results, even in long periods of use.

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How to Measure pH In Small Samples

Various applications in life sciences involve very small samples that require analysis by multiple protocols. These samples typically represent costly experiments, and sample manipulation can introduce error in the results. With the right pH sensor it is possible to minimize sample size and manipulation to achieve accurate results.

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Automatic pipetting of reaction mixtures for PCR in 8-well strips and qPCR in 384-well format

PCR and quantitative Real Time PCR (RTqPCR) are standard techniques in the field of molecular biology. In both methods, specific segments of DNA or transcribed RNA are amplified and analyzed. In standard PCR, qualitative analysis of amplified products is carried out with the help of gel electrophoresis.

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Small-scale automatic robot handling line for molecular pathogen diagnostics

Here we present an integrated small scale fully automatic diagnostic robot handling line for the purification, detection, and quantification of human pathogens. First, sample barcodes were scanned, and nucleoi acids were purified with the Roche MagNA Pure 24 system.

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Using Vivacon® 500 for Primer Removal after PCR

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is one of the most versatile methods used in molecular biology today. It is relevant to a multitude of applications, such as preparation of gene fragments for cloning or amplification of DNA sequences, for example in forensic analysis.

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Sabine Kähler

+45 3116 9067